segredo filmes
cartaz do filme Distopia

(Brazil, 2020, 11 minutes)


This night may last an eternity for Lúcio. His relationship with his father, a retired military man, is full of terrible memories
Soldadinho de chumbo

Dystopia addresses the
trauma from painful memories

Written and directed by Lilih Curi, the drama short film 'Dystopia' switches through temporal ellipses, inserting its characters in enclosed spaces: the impacts of traumatic memories. The film addresses the relationship between Lúcio and his father.

'Dystopia' shows the main character's childhood, living the traumas that would impact him for all life. However, the film shows him during adulthood, when he faces once again his past traumas.

Writer and director Lilih Curi explains that the idea for 'Dystopia' appeared when she was studying at International School of Film and TV (Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV - EICTV), in Cuba. “I won a scholarship from the state government in 2012 to study at EICTV. During the course, I started to have the idea for this script: to put a family in an enclosed space, creating situations for the characters".

The script started at that moment. In 2016, Lilih Curi's script was selected for a consultancy at Panlab, in Panorama Internacional Coisa de Cinema Festival.  In 2017, the project won the statute of the former Ministry of Culture in Brazil. The film was shot in 2018 and finally released in 2020, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. Despite the circumstances, 'Dystopia' has been selected and awarded in important festivals in Brazil and other countries. The official release was during the 53º Festival de Brasília do Cinema Brasileiro.
soldadinho de chumbo

Carreira do Filme / Prêmios,
Indicações e Seleções Oficiais


53º Festival De Brasília Do Cinema Brasileiro - Mostra Oficial
Melhor Som (Anna Luísa Penna, Emílio Le Roux e Fredshon Araújo)
20ª CURTA-SE 20 – Festival Iberoamericano de Cinema de Sergipe
Melhor Ator (Tiago Querino)
8º Garoa Awards - SP
Prêmio: Narrative Film - Socially Awake Award
The Horror Movie Awards - Seattle - EUA
Prêmio: Best Film - Silver Tier
BIMIFF - Brazil International Monthly Independent Film Festival / RJ - Brasil e EUA
Best Actor of Brazilian Short Film (Tiago Querino)
Best Editing of Brazilian Short Film (Wallace Nogueira)
Best Sound Design of Brazilian Short Film (Fredshon Araújo)
RIMA - Rio International Monthly Awards - RJ 2021
Melhor Edição (Wallace Nogueira)
Melhor Ator Coadjuvante (Gil Teixeira)
3rd Edition of the Detective Crime Thriller Film Festival / The Crime Story Fest / EUA Prêmio: Best Live Introduction (Lilih Curi)


BIMIFF - Brazil International Monthly Independent Film Festival / RJ - Brasil e EUA- Best Brazilian Short Film- Best Director of Brazilian Short Film (Lilih Curi) / RIMA - Rio International Monthly Awards - RJ 2021 - Melhor Filme- Melhor Título - Melhor Direção (Lilih Curi) - Melhor Roteiro (Lilih Curi)- Melhor Ator (Tiago Querino)- Melhor Ator Mirim (Cauã Muniz) - Melhor Direção de Arte (Renata Soutomaior) - Melhor Figurino (Karen Urpia)- Melhor Fotografia (Wallace Nogueira) - Melhor Desenho de Som (Fredshon Araújo) / 8º Garoa Awards / SP- Melhor Direção (Lilih Curi)- Melhor Roteiro (Lilih Curi) - Melhor Fotografia  (Wallace Nogueira)- Melhor Ator Coadjuvante (Gil Teixeira) 

Seleções Oficiais

Official  Selection

Director´s Profile

Lilih Curi - cineasta
Lilih Curi is a Brazilian director, writer and producer. She graduated in Communication, with a Master's Degree in Performing Arts, and studied Performing Direction in the EICTV, Cuba. In 2013, she founded the film company Segredo Filmes and made the short films CARMEN (2013), TERESA (2014), CAROLINA (2017) and DYSTOPIA (2020). This last one's script was selected for a consultancy with Aleksei Abib, Gabriel Martins and Marina Meliande, at PANLAB 2016, an event from Panorama Internacional Coisa de Cinema Festival. 

DYSTOPIA is Lilih Curi’s first drama. Her previous films were made in hybrid formats, mixing fiction and documentary.

The idea for ‘Dystopia’’s script came when Lilih Curi was studying at EICTV. During an artistic exercise with two Cuban actores, she realized a tension between them. “I felt something disturbing between the actors, the first spark of violence was there, in that inexistent relationship between them”. On the other hand, she realized that the only person who could get them in contact was the female character, the actress. “As I was developing the scene, I was writing the script, and as I wrote I understood what kind of conflict to have in it, and this conflict would be drawn in the script as a crime between the characters”. Lilih explains that the script was creating new layers from the family violence, undercovered by institutional violence. “Brazil doesn't come out as violent as it is. Dystopia wants to take off this mask of a friendly Brazil”

As a filmmaker, Lilih Curi believes that cinema is a “Picture of people's culture and identity. Cinema touches the soul”, says her.  As a woman filmmaker, she analyzes that there is a long way to go in search for gender equality in the movie business. “We, women, are silenced. Our opinions are not taken seriously”

Lilih Curi was born in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, and spent a time in São Paulo and Minas Gerais. Nowadays, she lives in Salvador, Bahia.

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Independent film company in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, founded in 2013.

A company that focuses on creating, developing and
advising cultural projects.
Carlos Baumgarten
+55 (71) 98263-0835